Thursday, 2 March 2017

Year 6

As I was sitting on the chair In front of the whole school  I was so nervous . Then Mr Ritai said this is how our year 6s  want to be remembered and I was first . then we have to go up on stage then I  was really shaking big time then i was shaking hands with Mr A and Mrs Mka then mr Ritai gave me the bage. Then I stood up even higher I was trying to hide  but I was to tall.

But I am a year 6 I have a reputability to stand tall   Tu kaha means help others if they need help or give them bost .

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aidan
    Thank you for sharing. Going first can be a bit nerve racking. Tu Kaha. We certainly know you for your knowledge of what is happening in the world!

    Mrs McA



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